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Swap photos & videos with friends seamlessly.

Meet Trueli.

Bring memories to life

Trueli is like a magic memory box on your phone! It automatically collects and organizes your photos and videos into neat, shareable albums. When you and your friends use Trueli together, you instantly receive any photos and videos they take without you having to ask for them. With Trueli, you never miss a moment, keeping all your special memories with friends and family complete and easily accessible.

Why use Trueli

Trueli is for curators of memories. It's for people who love to connect on a human level with the life they live and the people in it. Use it to share special moments, discover your nostalgic side and to reconnect with your people in a meaningful way. 

“Our phone galleries are where our memories go to die, buried amongst memes, screenshots and other digital clutter. Trueli is here to change all that and transform the way we capture, celebrate, and connect through our shared experiences ...”

Oleg Golynker - Founder & CEO

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